Erin, Shadow and Bob in Orleans
(Click on photos for a larger version.)
Pam and Dad in Orleans.
Bootie pattern comes from Heather Bailey.
Banner shot is from Marble Mountains in No. California.
Happy New Year Everyone:
If you were wondering if you were somehow dropped off the list. No, you weren't. I'm finally getting this thing done.
For the first time in the history of this newsletter, I couldn't come up with anything to say.
I started and stopped a half dozen times since the beginning of the month. I couldn't get started. I'd find myself alphabetizing the spice cupboard or counting my socks. Anything to put it off.
Then I'd gear up and force myself and all I would come up with was a boring list of things we did. Then I'd do a word count to see if it would fill up 4 pages. Then I'd experiment with font sizes. Remember handwriting reports back in the olden days and writing really big with huge margins to make the report look as long as it was supposed to be? (Hi, Mr. Lasnik!) Great, now I'm associating my holiday greeting with writing a school report.
Why is this happening now? I have no idea. This is what I get for doing "How To Write A Holiday Newsletter" instructions on my website.
I almost bailed on the whole thing and then decided on this compromise: I've cobbled together a few stories from the blog.
The short version of 2006 is this: we had a great year with lots of excellent adventures including Ohio, Michigan and our favorite, Orleans. (Well, my favorite). We did fun things with family. We saw bluegrass, Harvey Pekar and a band I like called Great Big Sea. I made and many ate tamales, things with pumpkin, apple pie, creme brulee and pasta from scratch. I learned to use a sewing machine and made little booties (but not on the machine, sewn by hand).
You can find more photos on Flickr and Orleans trip in particular here.