San Francisco
January 17-20, 2002
Erin ran on Saturday at 7:32am. We got up at the crack of dawn to give us plenty of time to find the place again and make sure we got front row seats.
Turns out that wasn't a problem. The only other people there at the crack of dawn were other people who knew someone running with the torch. As the morning went on we learned that Todd was the person handing off to her and a person with a name like Pierra was the person she would be handing off to.
There were two women sitting by the stop sign where we waited and we could hear them directing people. "Erin? Yes, her family is here. Todd? You need to go back that way? Pierra? You need to go that way."
We met a bunch of Erin's friends and some random people stopping by to see the torch while we were waiting. At one point I was mortified because I introduced myself to someone and then wondered if she was even one of Erin's friends. (Luckily she was.) Mom also introduced herself to some nice people who were just there wondering if they could get a picture of the torch.
While we were doing all this -- Erin had to meet at a specially designated place at 5:30am. There were 15 people in her group, including Willie Mayes. They got a little orientation about what to expect and information about carrying the torch. For example, they had to wear the white sweatsuit -- white to symbolize peace. They also had a Q&A and of course, everyone wanted to know what happened if they tripped and dropped the torch or what if it went out. Apparently these things are made for monsoon conditions and they were advised not to worry about it as it had only happened like, 2 times. They had support runners on each side who would help them if anything happened. Also, I guess a back up flame is on the truck or some other vehicle in the giant torch convoy.
First a Coca-Cola vehicle came by with a loudspeaker saying "Erin Rentz will be carrying the torch here at 7:32. Everyone cheer for Erin Rentz." And we all cheered. They handed out little flags that said "I saw the flame" and "Coca-Cola." A short time later the Chevy contingent came by and handed out American flags with Chevrolet on the back.
Finally a van came by and dropped of Erin with her torch. We all yelled and took pictures and random strangers came by and yelled "whoo-hoo" and took pictures. An official guy on a motorcycle came and stopped and fixed Erin's torch so it would light. It had some sort of propane gadget in it.
Then we could see torch convoy and Todd, who handed off the flame to Erin. He rode a motorized wheelchair.
The torch convoy was this grey truck with a bunch of people taking pictures along with other vehicles doing whoknowswhat -- protecting the flame, I guess.
Todd handed off the flame and Erin started running and so did we along with a whole bunch of random joggers and people on bikes and strangers holding babies and cameras. It was chaotic and wild and hilarious.
Normally the grey truck goes in front of the runner and people run on the sides and then there are these two motorcycles and all these followers and other cars on the convoy. But the Golden Gate bridge was in the background and the sun was just hitting it so the guys on the truck yelled for Erin to move to the sidewalk.
I was running along side the truck holding the Karuk flag, but because Erin was beside the truck I couldn't even see her which I thought was funny.
This whole traveling circus went rolling down the road. I don't think I mentioned it earlier but each leg is about 1/5 of a mile.
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PHOTOGRAPHS: Bob Hughes. Background courtesy of