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Tag Archives: wildlife cam
Complaining About the AC
One afternoon I got on the bus with a driver I’ve never seen before.
The bus AC was weak. Only enough to keep us from roasting but it wasn’t cool on the bus. This is unusual because if it’s more than 60 degrees and the sun is shining the bus is usually freezing with cold air blasting from every corner.
There were three women on the bus and one man. As soon as the man sat down he started grumbling about the AC. He changed seats three times and then complained out loud and then marched to the front of the bus where he berated the bus driver.
The women all sat in our seats and read our books.
Then the man returned to his seat which was the seat behind me and he called customer service and complained some more. He said the bus driver didn’t know what he was doing, that he wasn’t communicating, that he wouldn’t answer his questions about the AC. He also demanded that the bus turn around and take him back to the transit mall.
He may have been onto something in terms of the bus driver not knowing what he was doing because he drove the wrong route and stopped in downtown where Mr. Complainer signaled that he wanted to exit. Then he went to the front of the bus and complained again and said he was getting off the bus to wait for another bus.
So he exited into 98 degree heat to wait for another bus rather than sit on the bus another 10 minutes and get to his stop.
In the last couple of days a squirrel has discovered a rich food source under the bird feeders. Every time I look out there he’s parked under there. There are also some larger birds that can’t fit on the feeder that pick up some snacks there.
I had this brilliant idea that I would set up the trail cam to get some shots of the squirrel and the birds.
I ended up with 8 hours of clips of nothing but waving flowers and a dead battery. (It wasn’t 100 degrees. The camera was in direct sun.)
This Guy
I don’t leave food out for the raccoons and normally I’m careful about not leaving anything accidentally.
But apparently Mr. Blue Jay did not pick up his evening peanuts.
I set the shallower dish out for animals that might not be able to drink from the bucket and this hilarious guy found the peanuts and then spent some time prepping them for his snack.
He washed them and stirred them around, making sure to get his feet in there to get the flavors right before finally eating them and leaving the shells in the water to ruin it for everyone else.
Stinky has been living his best life out there.
I think this is the entrance to his lair. The grass is all flattened right there and everywhere else it’s overgrown and needs weed eating.
I’m a little worried about him in the heatwave. It must be terrible under the shed. But maybe he’s dug a hole that’s somehow cool enough for him.
He’s doing great out there, ruling the garden. Waddling around with his giant puffy tail.
I wonder how he ended up here. Like where was he coming from that he wandered into our yard and thought: hey, this looks like a great place to set up.
I suspect he was living somewhere around the place behind us. Before the flippers moved in there were all kinds of plants and shrubs and woodpiles. The lady who lived in the house was elderly and didn’t get out much so no one would have known he was there.
Then the flippers cut down everything and tore down the garage and he found his way to us.
Backyard Update
Last weekend we were able to do something we haven’t done in a long time and we had family together. We went to restaurants a couple of times.
It’s funny how appreciative we are of these everyday experiences after the year+ we stayed home.
This is a raccoon clip from last month. I remember we had the windows opened that night and I woke up and heard little chittering and chirping outside.
The camera card has been pretty empty the last ten days or so. One raccoon visit. No sign of bunny.
We have had Stinky and I will put that in a different post.
This is raccoon zipping through without a pause.
Maybe this guy is the reason for less activity? This is his second visit that I captured on camera.
The Case of the Traveling iPad
I saw a lady online with a fountain and she had all the same animals I have except also birds and snakes. She lives in the desert and has her camera up during the day, too, but still, I was inspired to put the bucket back.
We have hypothesized that another reason we are seeing so much activity is that the house next door has been empty instead of having people partying half the night. And also has a big, mostly abandoned yard. I wish I could set up a cam back there, too.
Won’t be empty for long. It’s in the process of being flipped. Let’s all hope some nice people end up buying it and actually living in it.
A couple of weeks ago Bob came to work with me and he left his iPad on the bus. We knew immediately where it was and the exact bus so we were able to call it in. I have been consistently underwhelmed by CTran customer service and this incident was no different.
Bob called and didn’t get far.
Meanwhile, we could track it on our phones so every morning we’d see iPad zipping up and down the freeway during the commute. Then going to the bus barn for the night. Good illustration for how empty the buses are if no one turned it in or tried to take it after so many trips.
After several days of phone calls, iPad moved to a building and then it needed 24 hours of processing. I don’t know if they train their employees to be worthless or manage to recruit them this way. I had a problem with my bus pass one year and numerous individuals ignored all my requests for help and later blamed me for the problem. (I love most of my drivers and the guy who competently dealt with bus passes but then retired was good.)
iPad is safe at home again. And Apple Find My Stuff is entertaining and probably unsettling if you think about it too much.
Running Journal Days 2 and 3
Day 2 wasn’t as terrible in the sense that I knew what to expect. I changed my route so that most of it was downhill and then crossed the park and walked home for the uphill. Day 3 went slightly better.
I’m never going to get much out of this only running once a week but my current schedule isn’t ideal for a more regular routine.
Last year colleague and I shifted our schedule to start at at 7 and leave by 3:30. There is supposed to be a bus at 3:30 and 3:50 so I would leave a few minutes early to catch the 3:30. This worked well for awhile and then the bus showed up intermittently and then it stopped showing up at all. So I would arrive at the stop at 3:25 and not get on a bus until after 4.
I can see it from the bus point of view since I was often the only person on the bus. If they had to cancel a run, the 3:30 would be a good choice. But as a passenger, standing around and two buses not showing up and never knowing when was not ideal. So I start at 7:30 and catch the 4:05. Getting home later makes it harder to exercise after work without feeling rushed.
The skunk is surprisingly cute.
I was doing my Alice Kravitz routine — I heard loud voices outside and wondered if there were people at the rental house next door. It’s still empty and we’ve been told that it will go up for sale and we’ve seen worker type people poking around there but we have no details.
I was kneeling on the bed, holding the shades aside to see out and also holding a cup of hot tea for extra difficulty. I didn’t see anyone but also I lost my balance. My hand went back to catch me but instead of landing on the bed it went out into space and I did a graceful tumble off the bed, tea sprayed everywhere and I whacked my knee against the dresser.
Once I was certain that I was okay, I was grateful because that could have been bad. I iced my knee and it was a little red and slightly sore and swollen and a great excuse to rest from running for a few days.
Hey There, Stinker
This morning I got up and saw the bucket was turned over so I brought the camera card in to see who the mischief maker was. There is no clip of the bucket toss, instead there was this.
I have never seen any sign or hint of a skunk in our neighborhood.
What next!?! I can’t wait to be surprised. I hope it’s Bigfoot.
Did I ever write about my dilemma with old letters?
Hm, well I just did search and turned up a brief post from almost 20 years ago about this very same box of old letters.
I don’t hang on to a lot of stuff but I have a hat box of old cards and letters. Some from friends, old boyfriends, family.
I was looking at the old boyfriend letters and trying to decide what to do with them. I do not want them. I do not want to throw them away. I thought I might read them and then throw them away and after one paragraph I do not want to read them.
At some point in time they will be trash, why not now?
Maybe the next step to death cleaning is to hire people to throw away things you know you don’t want but don’t want to be responsible for trashing yourself. (See also: ancient stuffed animals.)
I tried an experimental exercise and chose a few letters from a guy I met in Cancun in 1989. The letters are HILARIOUS. Not in a cringey way but in a — this guy was clever and funny. I can’t throw them away. I don’t need to keep them.
I have no answers.
April Night
I like the way he takes a long drink, starts to stick one foot in, pauses, changes his mind and puts the other food in.
Twenty-Five Years
I was unexpectedly reminded that 25 years ago yesterday I started blogging. I was ahead of my time and now I’m behind it. I have grown less interested in the digital world now that it’s so terrible.
Last weekend I said to Bob, remember when we looked forward to email?
I’m still going to slog along here at least once a week until I don’t want to any longer. It’s not that I don’t want to but more like once I get around to it, I don’t have much energy to put into it.
Last week I went to the eye doctor including the part where they dilate your eyes. It was a bright day and the light so painfully sparkly it was like living inside of a diamond.
I just bought a new phone and I picked it up. They told me when I turned the phone on, it would be on, so I decided to charge it so it would be ready when I was ready to turn it on. Except when I plugged it in, it was on.
This led to a bunch of panicked phone maneuvers with my eyes scrunched half-shut and the phone screen a blur in my hands. I won’t elaborate except to say the transition did not go smoothly and there were customer service calls involved including one where I had to find the serial number, written in .0005 sized type on the side of the box, with a magnifying glass.
But the fun wasn’t over.
Our soccer team opened the stadium to partial capacity and we had a time and a code to login and try for tickets. Ticket partner was traveling at our appointed time and I was at the doctor but the minute I got in, I booted up colleague’s computer and attempted to get into his email. His office was as bright as the surface of the sun and I was closing shades and shielding my eyes while whimpering.
From what I could tell, I was getting an error message that either said, it was too early to get tickets or there weren’t tickets available. But I could not troubleshoot while half-blind.
Ticket partner tried to log in when he had a chance and also had no luck. We did not get tickets so it was really interesting to see so many tickets available online yesterday before the match. By then, we had other plans.
Bucket Bad
Here’s the unhappy customer from the weekend tossing the bucket over.