Tag Archives: wildlife cam

Animal Cam: Opossum Edition

Here’s an opossum in the rain. That black planting pot is right at the opening of the spot where he crawls under the shed. He looks unhappy about it and then tears off across the yard.

I think in my earlier post I said the white one was smaller and the brown one was the big one but I had it backwards.

Here they are waddling around the garden together. Are baby possums in the future?

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Animal Cam Report

Bunny is a regular visitor to the yard. I can tell he (they) have been around because there are dozens of clips when I download.

I move the camera to the garden for a week and got a good bunny close up.

This is from the very end of summer but it’s a funny one. There’s one raccoon sniffing around the camera and the other two are on the lookout for … what?

Probably other raccoons.

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Misheard Lyrics: Nights Are Forever

There’s a documentary on HBO called Yacht Rock: A Dockumentary.

Trailer: here.

It’s about a style of music from the late 70s, early 80s that has come to be known as Yacht Rock. If you ever listened to Toto, Michael McDonald, Kenny Loggins or Christopher Cross — you do not want to miss this. Bob wanted me to watch it and I was really annoyed and ended up loving it and now I’m telling everyone in my peer group to drop everything and check it out.

It’s great nostalgia. It’s super interesting. The musicians are charming onscreen.

One hilarious moment came during a part when they played England Dan & John Ford Coley “I’d Really Love to See You Tonight.”

Bob and I watch TV with closed captions on all the time. They sang the chorus which starts, “I’m not talking about movin’in, And I don’t want to change your life.”

Bob: Stop! Stop and go back. Misheard lyrics.

And I was thinking the same thing.

If you know the song, it doesn’t sound like “I’m not talking about movin’ in” — it sounds something like, “I’m not talking about millennia.”

Does that make sense? Does it have to? It’s a misheard lyric.

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Raccoon World!

I knew there had been activity out there because the water in the bucket was dirty and the pollinator water dish was nothing but dirt.

Look how many have been out there. I think this is a mom and her almost grown babies. I’m not an expert in raccoons so don’t quote me. They are cute but so destructive. All my pumpkins have been chewed on.

They even tried to steal the camera. I guess they don’t like being spied on. I need one of those signs to warn them they are on camera.

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Early Morning Scramble Before Going to Bed for the Day

These two are hilariously always active. Sometimes twenty or thirty clips a night. They either barely move or else they sprint across the yard.

I woke up around midnight one night and I was in the kitchen for a drink of water and I saw the motion light go on. They look much bigger in person.

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Repeat Visitors and a New One

Look who came back! I found a giant turd in my garden. Then another one. Then a third one and I knew it was time to check the camera card.

I don’t see how such majestic creatures with a whole night of wandering manage to do so much pooping in my yard. Maybe my yard is their safe space?

The fly through feeder was empty because I planned to put it away for the season but hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

While they were hanging out, opossum zipped by and ran home. All these animals amuse me.

This is a first time ever: spotted skunk! This was in NW California at Mom’s.

My sister told me to set up the camera behind the trailer because she had heard activity. This was the first time I’d ever seen a spotted skunk. They are hilarious and really cute. But this guy is also making a mess in the trailer innards. Hopefully we can get it to relocate.

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Late-Night Visitors Return

Look who’s back!

The birdfeeders were mostly empty because on the weekdays I get home after dark and don’t refill them. The deer hung out for about a half hour, wandered all around the yard leaving deep hoof-prints in the mud. Also left me some poop.

Same night another visitor. Almost missed it. The deer are in the way back in the upper left and an opossum hiked through, seen at the very bottom.

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Not For You

It was really hot and dry so I scrubbed the bucket and put fresh water in and put it back in its place.

I also put out a little dish for animals that can’t reach the bucket.

But also: the camera has been mostly blank, night after night.

Then this guy showed up. With friends? Not clear from the clip but there were 2 turds. How can deer turd that much? Or do they hold it all in until they get to my yard? They damaged the apple and pear tree.

I was slacking on setting up the motion sprinkler. Sad to admit but one reason is that it’s dark when I leave for work and I don’t like stumbling around the backyard trying to turn it off.

Also, this cutie coming through, seasoning the water with his dirty feet.

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Fresh Tomato Sandwich

These are a couple of the giant tomatoes I was talking about before. There are more out there.

Bob was gone for a couple of days and for lunch and dinner for 2 days I turned one of those tomatoes into sandwiches. They were so good.

I also made a peach berry pie last weekend.

Something about foods you can only eat at a certain time of year make them extra delicious.

Here’s a little raccoon print.

The trail cam has been quiet lately. It went so long without a photo I thought it was broken.

But I got clip of a cat running through the other night so it works.

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Backyard Update

Sharp eyes will count all five of the raccoon family traipsing through the yard the other night. In the foreground you can see the motion activated sprinkler not doing anything. I think it’s because the sprinkler is pointed up a little bit to catch the deer.

This morning we went out for an early walk since it’s supposed to get hot this afternoon.

As we were coming home I spotted one big raccoon and three little ones dashing across the street. The mama waited on the curb and gave us the stink eye.

Pretty soon one more little one scampered across the street. Mama gave us a few more seconds and then went after the kits.

This was the house 2 down from ours. We started walking again and watched one of them climb a tree while the rest ran through a gap in the fence. Then the last one climbed to the ground and went through the gap.

Has to be the same family.

I do this every single time I change the batteries in the trail cam. I set the clock wrong. I ran the camera all day instead of night.

We have some very active blue jays. Not just around our yard but you can hear them screeching around the whole neighborhood. There are at least 5 around our yard, swooping back and forth from the front to the back and next door to our house. I watched one land next to 6 doves eating seeds under the bird feeders and stomp its feet once or twice and the doves flew away.

I love all the birds.

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