Volume 1, Issue 2, Page 2
It's the "I can't believe this is my life issue!!"
Just in time for the holidays!!
I also did some hiking, dug a ditch (which is the hardest work in the known universe), 4-wheeled up to Orleans Mtn. (thanks Collette), walked around Lake Oogaromtok, TP'd a tepee, experienced an earthquake in a mall in Eureka, tubed down the Salmon and Klamath Rivers, played in a "be-donk" tournament, and saw lots of critters like a mama deer and babies, skunk, a bear ran by the car (but that was later), river otter, quail and babies, a fox, a banana slug, a raccoon, some fish hawks, a turtle, a big snake, a little snake and a dead snake smushed on the road.
By the end of the summer I was convinced that I wanted to spend the rest of my life running around in the forest with a hoe strapped to my back. However, reality was calling and I needed up moving on.
Now I am in Oregon. I live in West Linn which is just south of Portland. I live with my Aunt Aileen, my cousin Kathy, Chim the dog and Kitty the kitty. There is also a cousin Fred, but he goes to college and even when he's home we hardly ever see him.
Life is a lot better in Portland. I have actually had some job interviews, some even took place in real law firms. However the interviews have been few and far between and most of my resumes receive replies by mail saying things like, "Fortunately we were deluged by resumes from qualified people. However, we wish you luck in your career endeavors." Things are pretty tough out there.
Jobs I've Had
For awhile I worked in the office of a home repair business, I also performed "zoning" at Target (nightmare of life job), and did some stuff for the Northwest Indian Health Board which led to my present temporary fulltime position as a "reproduction clerk" for the Reorganization Task Force at the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This job will last until the end of the year.
I am grateful I can at least pay my bills however, you can imagine what a thrill it is to spend day after day in the coy room, collating, stapling and 120 copies later stuffing envelopes. For variety I sometimes get ot fax the same document to about 20 people which is also a real threat.
I have a couple of very tentative things in the works for the beginning of 1992 so how knows?
PHOTOGRAPH:Auntie Janet and me in Roslyn, WA. Photographer: Uncle Barry
This page was made on December 9, 2000. Featured artist: Replacements. Featured beverage: really cheap chardonnay. My computer is a much loved lime iMac named Yoda. My software is BBEdit 5.0 which I am barely competent at using and Dreamweaver at which I am even worse.