Raccoon Family Coming Through

I never spot any critters live.

All the time I will see the time stamps and think: I was awake then. First thing when I get up I go look out the window. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I take a peek out the window.

Finally! The other night I was in the kitchen around 8pm and one of the motion lights went off. Then I spotted a raccoon scooting along the back fence.

The regulars seem to be these three that I think are a mama and her youngsters. Then one that’s always by itself and has a crooked tail. And then one with no tail.

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I watched the latest season of the Great British Baking Show. When it came to the caramel episode I learned 3 things.

The first is that they say it care-a-mell. I’ve always said it car-muhl.

I brought this up with several people who said they also say car-muhl. So I guess it’s an American thing?

The second was more of a realization that the place is Carmel (car-mell) and has nothing to do with caramel.

Third, I have made caramel a couple of times with not great results. One time, I referred to the finished product as “ruin your dental work” cookies. Now I see that it was operator error and that caramel is hard for everyone.

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The Book Tardis

My class was originally scheduled to end on November 16 but for various reasons it’s been extended until the end of the month.

I love the class and am thrilled we get more time.

But also I am limited to essential communications and activities. I still haven’t even put the garden to bed.

NaNo Update:

12837 / 17000 words. 76% done!

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What is this Thing?

Wrong answers only. Must be acceptable for a family publication.

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This is the gas station in Orleans.

I have put this gas station in many, many stories. In those stories, the guy who owns it is named Emerson.

I don’t think any of those stories have been published.

One of these days.

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We wandered around under the chestnut tree when I was in California. I took this photo of finding this gorgeous chestnut. I planned to take another when we got home so I could show you the Hope Diamond of chestnuts, but I forgot.

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Pioneer Square

This is downtown Portland at Pioneer Square.

Back at the beginning of the year when people were first starting to come back downtown, I was one of the few customers at my favorite food cart.

In the summer there was a long, long line.

I was back a couple of weeks ago and it was just me and another guy, waiting in the rain.

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Pumpkin Crop

I finally remembered to get all the squash and pumpkins together and take a photo.

This is quite a crop. At least three of those by themselves would be plenty to get us through the season.

Yet still, I mourned for a couple I had to compost already because they got a little rotten. So greedy.

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Outside My Window

Sound on!

This frog hangs out somewhere around the house and is so loud – it cracks me up every time it gets going.

Isn’t this how frogs look for a mate? How can I help this little guy out?

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Count me and my sister in with the children traumatized by tales from Der Struwwelpeter. Behave kids!

This statue is in Frankfurt.

9874 / 17000 words. 58% done!

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