Neighbors with Gardens

Did I already post about this? Not intending to diss the neighbors because they are nice and friendly. This like a lot of my projects.

This dirt was deposited in April. I remember because we had that late snow and it looked like they had a giant snow mound in front of their house.

The dirt was there until at least August. It would have taken me that long, too.

Local view of Mt. St. Helens.

During the summer I went for a lot of walks along all different parts of the neighborhood. It’s amazing how many people have vegetables or fruits right in front of their house or on the parking strip. I always like to check out what other people are growing and early in the season measure their progress to mine.

(I have no photos. Never occurred to me to grab a photo of a neighbor’s squash or blueberries.)

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Survey Says!

Big bear at Tishawnik.

Twice in the past couple of months I have been asked to do a survey for an app I am already using and the survey asked me ‘how much would you be willing to pay?’ about 5 different ways.

Deer at Tishawnik.

Like how much would I pay for different additional features?

What would be the most I would pay?

If the app only cost x amount would I think that it was cheap and crappy? (My words.)

Am I supposed to be able to answer these questions? Especially when they are sprung on me in the middle of a survey?

I already feel like I am being monthly subscriptioned to death. There are extra features that I would pay for to use but I would not use the extra features enough to justify paying an even bigger monthly fee.

Also, pro tip: if you cancel a subscription, they always lure you back with a discounted rate.

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Here’s another clip of Skunky out by the shed in September. Now we are getting a lot of opossum movement out there but so far I haven’t gotten a good clip.

TV Shows that you’d think I would like:

House of Dragons — watched one episode. Did not continue.
Ring of Power — didn’t even watch one. No interest.
Welcome to Wrexham — like way more than I even expected. Really good. Recommend. Don’t need to like soccer.

TV Shows I did not expect to like:

Reacher — haha. Watched one episode for curiosity and was hooked. Loved the cast and characters.
Star Trek : Strange New Worlds — it’s not that I expected to not like this as much as I didn’t expect to continue since my “to watch” list is so competitive. Loved it. Perfect to wind down after work. A problem is introduced at the beginning. In the middle things seem dire. By the end it’s all worked out.

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Find Your Friends

I like when the Find My Friends app shows your friend in the middle of the water. We were on the River Cruise.

Hope you are having a Happy Thanksgiving.

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Check Out This Guy

A couple of days after the deer visited the yard during the day, I pulled this off the camera card.

You can tell it’s a deer at first and I assumed the earlier deer came back to see if there were still yummy snacks available.

Then it came into view. Wow. Look how big that guy is!

I called Bob in and we watched this clip together:

We both went, WHOAAAAAAAAA! At the same time.

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So Many Birds

One afternoon this summer I went out in the yard and there were some good sized feather chunks right by the back door.

I think one of the cats is either expressing his approval of the bird feeders or else taunting us. Or is that the same thing?

Just last weekend I found a distressing bunch of fluffy white feathers strewn about under the rhodie.

Poor little birds. Nature is tough.

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Blue Jay

The blue jays are my favorite.

They are loud and bully the littler birds and hog the best bits of bird food for themselves.

But they have so much personality and crack me up every time.

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From October. Like the arty light effect?

How many dogs can you find?

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In Memoriam – Uncle Barry

Barry F Morehead — obituary

All of us out on business

Auntie’s 50th Birthday surprise party

Camping in the Olympic rain forest.(We were out there long enough to set up our tents, have a nice hike, eat a campe dinner, get rained on, pick up camp and go home.)

Uncle Barry cracking us up with one of his hilarious stories.

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Atlanta, Part 2

Luna, Arky in front, Millie.

Which one do you think barks the most?

Arky, Clover, Millie.

Answer: ALL OF THEM! (But if we were forced to choose, Arky.)

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