
This is my office building.

It looks so fancy from the outside. Like there must be amazing things going on inside.

And the curved part in the middle — those offices must be really cool.

Nope. It’s an office building. From the inside the curved part just seems like a window.

Sorry to disappoint.

Back when Mom was here, there was a fire in this building. They had some of the people on the news and it was so sad – people who lost everything and didn’t know where to go.

When I was waiting for the bus, people were talking about it and swapping stories. My office faces away so I didn’t even know it happened.

I was at the health clinic last week and saw the wreckage.

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Not For You

It was really hot and dry so I scrubbed the bucket and put fresh water in and put it back in its place.

I also put out a little dish for animals that can’t reach the bucket.

But also: the camera has been mostly blank, night after night.

Then this guy showed up. With friends? Not clear from the clip but there were 2 turds. How can deer turd that much? Or do they hold it all in until they get to my yard? They damaged the apple and pear tree.

I was slacking on setting up the motion sprinkler. Sad to admit but one reason is that it’s dark when I leave for work and I don’t like stumbling around the backyard trying to turn it off.

Also, this cutie coming through, seasoning the water with his dirty feet.

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Fresh Tomato Sandwich

These are a couple of the giant tomatoes I was talking about before. There are more out there.

Bob was gone for a couple of days and for lunch and dinner for 2 days I turned one of those tomatoes into sandwiches. They were so good.

I also made a peach berry pie last weekend.

Something about foods you can only eat at a certain time of year make them extra delicious.

Here’s a little raccoon print.

The trail cam has been quiet lately. It went so long without a photo I thought it was broken.

But I got clip of a cat running through the other night so it works.

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For some reason have to do with a route downtown switching to articulated buses, my bus stops changed.

My morning bus now stops right in front of the second largest hammered copper statue in the United States. See if you can guess what the biggest one is.

I love this statue. You can see a partial view of it from our office, too.

One morning I noticed that there is a model of the statue in the window across the street. Portlandia facing Portlandia.

What do you think it means?

I took a picture of the reflection of Portlandia in the window of the mini-Portlandia. It didn’t quite work but it’s there.

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Backyard Update

Sharp eyes will count all five of the raccoon family traipsing through the yard the other night. In the foreground you can see the motion activated sprinkler not doing anything. I think it’s because the sprinkler is pointed up a little bit to catch the deer.

This morning we went out for an early walk since it’s supposed to get hot this afternoon.

As we were coming home I spotted one big raccoon and three little ones dashing across the street. The mama waited on the curb and gave us the stink eye.

Pretty soon one more little one scampered across the street. Mama gave us a few more seconds and then went after the kits.

This was the house 2 down from ours. We started walking again and watched one of them climb a tree while the rest ran through a gap in the fence. Then the last one climbed to the ground and went through the gap.

Has to be the same family.

I do this every single time I change the batteries in the trail cam. I set the clock wrong. I ran the camera all day instead of night.

We have some very active blue jays. Not just around our yard but you can hear them screeching around the whole neighborhood. There are at least 5 around our yard, swooping back and forth from the front to the back and next door to our house. I watched one land next to 6 doves eating seeds under the bird feeders and stomp its feet once or twice and the doves flew away.

I love all the birds.

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Harvest Update

Percy the fig tree is producing! This is from one day. We’ve been getting about this many each day all week.

Here are some historic pictures of Percy for your memory.

On the side is a yellow tomato and a tiny cherry tomato. I have some still-ripening tomatoes out there that are gigantic. I can’t wait to harvest. I can’t remember the last time I had tomatoes that big.

This is just a tiny fraction of the potato crop. This batch weighed in at about 5.5 pounds. The little dish at the side is for the tiny potatoes that I will bury in the fall and next year we will have too many potatoes, again.

I am hit or miss with my potato recipes. It seems like they never cook enough. I roasted some last night and kept them in there 3x as long as the recipe said. I finally dumped them into a Pyrex and nuked them and then put them back in the oven for a final roast. Last week I made a quiche and cooked the potatoes as instructed but they had a good bite to them.

We will be having potato salads and whatever else we come up with.

Not pictured: Peas and green beans. We had some delicious fresh peas earlier and we are still eating green beans but not as good as the first crop. The blueberries aren’t too impressive. I need to fertilize for next year and I need to research bird discouraging tactics.

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Destruction Deerby Continues

Stomping in the garden with their big cloven feet.

I can’t remember the exact chronology. I caught the deer in the garden at the beginning of June.

I eventually realized they were very destructive to the plants and also getting into the bird feeder.

Poop machines! Three visitors and three piles of pooplets.

I bought some deer repellant, which was successful.

I also bought a motion-controlled sprinkler. I had some trouble setting it up at first.

Pumpkins are for me and my human friends. All other pumpkin eating is VERBOTEN!

Since I set it up, the trail cam is mostly dead. The sprinkler scared everyone off.

And I’m not too broken up about it because it felt like everyone was getting too comfortable out there. I don’t mind a thirsty raccoon or some cute bunnies hopping through. But the skunk under the shed did not seem ideal.

I had the brilliant idea to put the camera out front, curious what I might catch out there.

I caught a leafy branch. 408 clips in one night. I have not tried that again.

Then I got lazy and didn’t put the sprinkler up for a few days and the majestic beasts returned. My tomatoes!

I am setting the sprinkler up every night and moving it around the yard.

Also if you’re keeping track, no more mice. No sign in the house or in the shop for a couple of weeks. Traps are still set.

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Bad Dreams Delivered

If you have sharp eyes you can spot all three of my beautiful destroyers. I’ll post some photos tomorrow. I wasn’t enabling the motion controlled sprinkler every night and they seem to show up on the one night I’m too lazy to set it up.

A couple of weeks ago I listened to a podcast about dreaming and remembering your dreams.

When I was younger I was really into this and wrote down all my dreams and read books about dream analysis.

I stopped doing it a long time ago and I hardly remember my dreams anymore.

But the podcast inspired me so I prompted myself as I was going to bed: I will remember my dreams.

I remembered 3 out of 4 nights and they were all bad dreams! In one, I lived at the house I grew up in and there were random strangers, a car, a dog, and goth girls in the pool. Another night was a post-apocalyptic thing where I was living with some random strangers and wishing I had friends. In the third, some dead-eyed sketchy people drove up on the lawn and said we owed them money.

That’s enough dream remembering for me.

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More Mice

This isn’t our cat. This is Oakie. He lives with Mom and he was very happy when she returned home after her visit up here.

I discovered evidence of a mouse in a lower cupboard in the kitchen.

Almost everything in there is in a plastic tub. *Almost* everything. I don’t know how long it’s been going on. In the past couple of months we’ve trapped quite a few in the shop and a couple in the basement.

This is only the second time I’ve ever found evidence of one inside the house.

I put the trap in there for a couple of nights but nothing showed up so I thoroughly scrubbed everything and packaged it all up. Maybe he moved.

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Dramatic Water Disaster At the Office

It wasn’t really that dramatic.

Law Clerk and I were eating lunch and we heard a strange noise that increased and became identifiable as dripping.

We searched the adjacent room and found water coming from the ceiling. We quickly moved furniture around and found something to catch the water.

There is an online work ticket system that we use to request maintenance but this seemed more urgent so I called the front security desk and Krystal got on the Bat Phone and almost immediately the Maintenance Crew was in our suite with a ladder and wrenches and were able to stop the leak.

Turns out, our suite has its own water heater for our little kitchen and it was in the ceiling. This was all new information for us. The building doesn’t allow ceiling units any longer due to situations just like this. Luckily it didn’t happen on a weekend.

Now we have a new heater and new ceiling tiles.

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