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Category Archives: goofy face
You Can’t Stop Time
This is fabulous photo of my family taken in 1969. My Dad used a timer with a camera on a tripod. I remember him setting it and then hurrying to get into the picture.
I love my sister’s “you wanna mess with me?” face, my bowed legs and missing tooth, our bangs! and my Mom and Dad all young and healthy and happy.
I adjusted my plans and I’m headed to California tomorrow. Dad’s having some health issues and I want to be able to see him and help out Mom. Chirstmas is going to be weird this year.
Don’t stand by the mailbox waiting for our xmas card.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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Clarion West Beg-A-Thon Week #3
The sleepless trend continues although now I’m sleepless in Orleans. We don’t have a schedule here so I can stay in bed as long as I want if I fall asleep again. But still, by afternoon I have a fuzzy head.
At the last minute I decided to go to California for Fourth of July since it’s my Dad’s birthday and we wanted some family time. My sister is here, too. Here’s Summer. I was trying to get her to do her silly face.
I think I’m numbering these posts goofy because today is starting week #3 but I’m reporting on week #2.
I worked on the story, the blurb and the draft but made little meaningful progress. I don’t get a lot done on the weekdays anyway and then Friday I was in the car all day driving here. I listened to S-Town Podcast on the way which was fantastic for a long drive with heavy traffic. Yesterday I read some commentary on it — this could be a whole other post but I’m not up for it right now — let’s just say I had similarly complex reactions about the story.
Highly recommend.
Back to my write-a-thon progress. I have plenty of time in Orleans but I’m not always inclined to work. I like to be outside and listen to the river and relax.
Here’s the view:
My goal for week #3 is to keep on doing what I’m doing but more. I have a couple of days when I get back home when I can be productive.
If you’re thinking about donating but haven’t yet, I strongly recommend sponsoring Raj because he is giving away prizes. Here’s his post with all the details.
Here’s the list of my classmates who are participating. Go hug a writer.
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I have a situation so I don’t have time for a normal post.
Here’s another sister goofy face and Mom with tiny waist and me in the background. Plus applied Photoshop tutorial.
I originally typed that “tiny waste.” I need to do a post about my lost ability with homonyms. I also find myself mistaking its and it’s on a regular basis.
Haven’t even hit 50 yet and the brain cells are a’shriveling.
Goofy Face
It’s been awhile since I did a sister goofy face photo.
This photo has so much awesome stuff going on it in it, I can hardly stand it.
Both my and my sister’s faces. My socks and no shoes. The woodpile. My cousin Kathy in my Mom’s lap. My Mom’s Carol Brady hair. Norska, the dog. The antenna on the lawn.
I talked to my sister this morning and I forgot to warn her that the “Twelve Days of Christmas with the Rentz Girls”™ is happening next month.
I think I’m going to start with the youngest. And on Xmas Day I’ll get a photo of us in our awesomely mature advanced state. Stay tuned!
Posted in goofy face, Orleans, pamily
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Look at my adorable sister! 1968? I bet this is at the Alyn’s pool. Possibly not how you spell their name – I can’t remember and haven’t talked to any of them for over 20 years. But if one of them sees this I’m sure they’ll let me know.
I’m on the last few boxes of slides. Scanning is tedious work so I try to do a little bit every week. I think I have about 40 slides left with this batch. I’m sure there are stacks more at the homestead.
Yesterday’s dinner turned out fantastic which is a relief because I’ve been blooping-up most of my big cooking projects lately. I was losing confidence in myself.
And while I’ve been making faces at the oodles of emails I’ve been getting begging me to buy things, I have to admit the coupons work! I bought a ton of books, new shoes and an audio course I’ve had my eye on for ages. Once I download it I can put it on my list and never get around to listening to it. It’s so refreshing to be in touch with your shortcomings.
Yesterday my magazine advised me that there was no shame in sitting around with a book and a hot toddy. To which I replied, “Gee thanks for permission.” But what makes it funny is the lady in the picture is looking at a book about guns.
I’m off. Bob and I have a movie date to see the new Pedro.
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World
I was going to crop this differently but check out my Mom’s boots! You can’t really tell from this photo but her vest has an awesome Indian design.
There’s a man in our neighborhood. Bob noticed him before I did. He walks up and down this steep hill, regularly, in every kind of weather. He wears a yellow jacket and hat when it rains so I think of him as the man with the yellow hat.
At one point I thought he might have a few screws loose because every time I drove home from the park-n-ride I’d see him walking. But then I realized that I drive home from the park-n-ride at the same time every day and that’s probably his workout time.
He’s doesn’t look lumpy but he doesn’t look super-fit either.
I haven’t seen him lately but maybe his schedule has changed.
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Time Travel: Seaworld 1972
Dig those ponchos!
So what is that thing? A seal?
Those dressed up characters always used to scare me. There must be some photos in the vault of me standing in the vicinity of Tigger, crying.
Posted in doing it wrong, goofy face
Children of the Corn
I really just want to use photoshop to entertain myself all day long. This is me and my sister, I think 1972. Dresses from Oma.
Posted in doing it wrong, goofy face
Olden Tymes
Here’s another great family shot from the 80’s.
I have a super busy week and a half coming up so I’m guessing I won’t be here much. Who knows? It seems like whenever I say that the opposite happens.
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We need a word for the gap between what the salesman tells you his company can do and for how much and what the service entity can do in reality.
P.S. Happy Birthday Erin
(she’s the one on the right)(also that outfit I’m wearing is an awesome red jumpsuit that I wish I had a photo of me standing so you could really enjoy it)
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