Category Archives: doing it wrong

May 5 is MMIP Awareness Day!

[Well, POOP: As per every single time, I was trying to write a post before dinner. Dinner was ready. Bob was waiting. I hurried to finish this and … Didn’t hit the publish button. Too late now. Story will be available this summer.]

Tomorrow is Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Awareness Day.

Apex Magazine bought a story of mine called “Loss Prevention” that has a MMIP theme. The official publication isn’t until July but they will be running it on their Patreon tomorrow for free.

The story on Patreon on May 5 here.

More info:

Indigenous people, particularly women and young girls, are disproportionately affected by violence. A growing movement led by Native communities and advocates seeks justice for our lost people. May 5 is designated “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day” to memorialize these lost individuals and raise awareness of the tragedy.

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The Tale of the Sad Fruit Orchard

I have a fuzzy trail cam clip but I don’t have the energy to fix it up to post right this second.

The deer returned.

I saw their hoof-prints and turd-piles so I knew they had been through.

I looked over the apple and pear trees and initially thought they looked okay. Just a few nibbles. But after I saw the clips I took a closer look and realized that the fruit buds are gone. There are maybe 2 apple and a few pear left. They didn’t damage the new trees because they are too new and have nothing on them except tiny leaf buds.

Also, there is one new blueberry out in the front of the house that is missing all the buds.

The bird feeders are down. There is no intentional food for them out there. I’m super bummed. It seems like the solution is deer fencing but I’m not sure how that is going to work in our yard. I don’t want to turn it into an obstacle course.

I just want a happy place where fruit trees and wildlife can live together in peace but I will get the fruit.

This is from the Orleans trip. This is Summer wading through a giant puddle.

Mom wanted me to drive through this puddle.

I told her no, I have a city car. It doesn’t go through lakes of mud.

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Garden 2024

It’s taken me a few weekends but yesterday I finally finished getting the garden in. Today I am sore and creaky all over.

I had previously planted peas and a few greens.

Yesterday I put in two more trellis things for green beans and bush beans. I also spread seeds for greens, carrots, beets and probably a couple of other things. This is the part of garden planting that embraces chaos. I throw out a bunch of seeds and see what happens.

The stuff already growing is potatoes from all the little shriveled potatoes that end up in the drawer. And also maybe some daikon radishes? There were also already a few pumpkins coming in. I tried to let them live but I was also pretty vigorously raking dirt around.

This is the blueberry with the most flowers. The blueberries are kinda small on this one. All the older blueberries have lots of flowers so perhaps this will be a big blueberry year.

The raspberry patch desperately needs TLC but my decrepit joints need a break today.

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Did You Try the Cookies Yet?

Bob likes to shop at Grocery Outlet. We call it weird foods.

He has picked up some interesting items there that we wished we could have again.

He brought home some cookies in a box that looked like it modeled itself after Girl Scout cookies.

Have you tried those cookies yet?

He asked me a bunch of times whether I tried the cookies. I thought he meant it in a “These are good, I can’t wait for you to try them” way.

I finally tried one.

It was terrible. It’s vegan and gluten free and it’s like eating lightly flavored sawdust.

Turns out, he doesn’t like them either.

I include this photo only because it looks fake or like it was commercially lit for some purpose instead of me running around with my camera trying to capture the daffodil magic.

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Last fall I bought two new blueberry plants.

We originally bought 4 around 2018 but after the great heatwave of 2021 one of them gave up the ghost.

The ones I have aren’t super productive and the birds and I think the squirrels, too, get into them.

When I was reading about blueberry plant care, the articles said that the first year you shouldn’t let them flower and make blueberries and instead let the plant get established. Since I did not know that for the first 4 plants, I wanted to do that for the new ones.

But what does that mean? Do you clip the flowers back? Pinch them?

I asked at the nursery and they told me it was fine to let them flower but if I wanted I could just pull them off. (Actually, every person I have mentioned this to told me it was fine to leave the blooms on.) The new plants are very small and don’t have a lot of flowers and I haven’t decided yet.

For the first time I also pruned the older plants, but not very much. I didn’t realize it took blueberries a while to get established. I thought I would be buried in blueberries so I could freeze some and make jam and we would just have giant bowls full of berries everywhere. Photos of blueberries when I have them.

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Flannel Sheets are the Best Sheets

A couple of weeks ago we had a couple of warm sunny days in a row. I told Bob we should switch from the flannel sheets. I was at work and I suggested this via text.

He texted back that he was already in the process of washing sheets and remaking the bed and we should hold out for two more weeks.

Good thing. We have had plenty of chilly nights since then and it looks more nights in the 30s next week. Maybe we’ll keep them on a little bit longer. I love fuzzy sheets. Or maybe I just love bedding because I like fresh summer sheets, too.

As a random aside, it looks like the Archive page is broken. I do not want to wade into website fixing right now. Or ever. But the archives on the sidebar work in case you need to peruse the archives.

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Comes In Large

I have been drinking the tea on the left for probably decades.

The first time I tried it, we got a sample at some hippie jam band festival. “This tastes like dirt,” I announced.

But then one of my yoga teachers talked it up and I tried it again and it stuck. I don’t drink it in any traditional style. I use the tea bags at work and for the travel mug. At home I use the loose leaf.

Sometime around the pandemic it became harder to get. My market dropped the tea bags and I couldn’t find them at any other market. Also it became more and more expensive. Then I couldn’t find the loose leaf at the market, either. I started ordering a 6 month supply online.

Last week, when I went to make a new order, I couldn’t even put the loose leaf in my cart. So, I opened my search engine and searched for “teas like [the one I like].”

And a whole world opened up. I found a forum and took notes and went back online to make my order. For the price of my old little yellow bag, I ordered a new kind of loose leaf and a new kind of tea bag.

I opened my delivery box to that GIANT bag of loose leaf. “I hope I like it,” I said. My market has another brand of yerba mate but I don’t like it.

Good news: I had it this morning and it was terrific. Also good news: this will last me forever. It’s so big I don’t even have a good place to put it. It’s in the laundry room at the moment. I will try the tea bags tomorrow.

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Elk Crossing?

I don’t know why this video looks like this. Don’t subscribe. I don’t make content I just put videos up now and then. I don’t know how to fix it and do not want to problem solve right now.

One of my best wildlife sightings ever. This was yesterday morning driving home from Orleans.

Today I did yard work and as always, my first yard work day of the season means I am so tired I can barely lift my arms above my head.

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Jelly Belly

This is my single blooming daffodil — all by itself, shivering out there among the birdfeeders.

I have this vague memory of being in a store I don’t normally go to and them having almost a half-aisle of Jelly Belly varieties. I remember thinking: I need to come back here when I have more time to pick out my favorites. I haven’t had Jelly Bellies (Is the correct plural Jelly Bellies?) in a long time. Is it weird I think of them as “healthy” candy?

But later, I tried to remember where this was. What is a store I don’t normally go to that I’ve been to lately? I can’t think of it. Or logically: what kind of store would have so many Jelly Bellies? I don’t know.

Did I dream about an aisle of Jelly Belly candy? If so, what a strange, random dream.

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I bought a new strap for my trail cam. Actually, I bought 4 straps because you can’t just buy one.

Now that the camera is properly strapped up, it’s catching the backyard scene again. Looks like opossum has moved back in under the shed. I have the opening covered but there’s a gap and apparently it’s just enough for it to get in and set up a happy home.

Bunny hops through almost every morning. I often see one or sometimes two bunnies in my or the neighbor’s yard when I take off for work in the morning.

Raccoons regularly coming through, too. I haven’t caught a skunk on camera for awhile. The deer don’t seem to have me on regular rotation.

There was lovely weather early last weekend which would have been a great time to do the annual roses prune plus I was going to do a little clipping on the blue berries plus the raspberry patch needs some TLC. But I missed my window and when I finally had a moment, it was too cold and damp out there. The forecast doesn’t look too promising.

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