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Author Archives: Pamela Rentz
Things in Movies that Make Me Anxious
Double Flower — what’s the middle of a flower called? I could ask AI but I don’t want to.
I think I’ve done a version of this post before. Not intended to be a complete list:
When they drive and don’t look at road
Binge drinking especially doing lots of shots of hard liquor
When they cook a big breakfast and nobody eats it
Any time they leave a door open. Why? Shut the door.
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Bosses Were Jerks in the 80s, Too.
This is Summer’s grumpy face.
It funny sometimes, when an old memory comes up and you see it completely differently.
When I graduated from college I very badly wanted to work in the music business. I loved music, live music, everything about music and thought I would be really good at it.
Zillions of people want to be in the music business. In the 80s someone like me would start as an assistant.
I joined an organization called something about Women in Music and there were networking events and a job board.
I am hilariously bad at networking events and even now the thought makes my blood run cold. But I did meet my friend Heidi, who I still know, at one of these events.
I got a call from the job board about a job. At the time I was already working for a man who was an angry, sexist tyrant who liked to yell at people. That was the world I wanted to escape. The woman who told me about the job warmed me, this was an assistant job and the boss was a major jerk and hard to work for.
The job paid less than the pittance I was getting. I decided: frying pan – fire and did not puruse.
Another woman in the organization called me to follow up and was furious that I didn’t go for the job and told me I couldn’t be on the job board if I didn’t take advantage of the opportunities offered.
And I felt bad. Like a decision to preserve what was left of my sanity was a bad thing.
Nope. I made the right choice.
(I never got a job in the music business.)
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Content and More Content
This is the photo I took of the labels that showed what varieties of apples are on our tree before I cut them all off. If you’re thinking, “It looks like the pink one is Gala but I can’t read the other ones,” you can see my screw up.
I am fairly particular about what content I consume. Podcasts, newsletters, subscriptions, social media — because it can turn into a time suck and a chore very quickly.
And over the past year several of the entities I choose to follow came up with the great idea of creating even more content.
Instead of one time a week, now two. A spinoff newsletter for people who like the newsletter they already do.
I don’t want more content.
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Justice for Pumpkins
This lovely shot is the parking garage next door as seen from the office.
Back in the day this parking lot was full most week days.
There would be cars driving around all the way to the top and then headed back down again.
If you look in the lower right hand area you can see one of the parking lines was painted crooked.
How could they let that happen?
At some point, someone, vandals?, painted a pumpkin on that gray whatever-that-is. Utility building? Maybe in lower floors that’s the elevator? I’ve never been in that parking garage.
They painted over the pumpkin. WHY? The pumpkin wasn’t hurting anyone. It didn’t express any sort of opinion about anything. It was just an orange pumpkin on a gray utility building bringing amusement to office workers like me.
Now it’s a black blotch. How is that better?
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Until the Old Becomes New Again
This is a tree in Olympia that has a major support system holding it up. There is an interpretive sign about it being the site of a schoolhouse but no details on the tree.
I bought some shoes online recently.
I found what I wanted and put in my order and almost instantly I got a note back that my order had been cancelled and if I thought it had been cancelled in error, I should call them.
I called them and they said it’s been 5 years since I made an order so my account had been flagged inactive.
I think of my shoes as some of my newer wardrobe. I was certain they were wrong.
They were not.
We fixed it and I have the shoes but also: my wardrobe is ancient.
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Buying Things
You have to wonder how far shrinkflation and all its variations can go on? At some point things hit the limit of how much crappier they can be.
Like soap. This foam stuff. Maybe it’s less wasteful. I’m not an expert.
And cereal. The boxes are so narrow now, they barely stand up.
Cereal is not my favorite but I’m old and I need more protein and fiber. Insert 10 million crying emojis.
When I was at the market I compared the regular size to the large size.
I guess that is just referring to the box.
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Sourdough low-knead I made over the weekend.
For a long time, I was of the mind that we should just subscribe to all the streaming services that we use. How much does it cost to go to the movies? We might as well have everything available so we could watch whatever we wanted when we wanted.
This year, prices finally hit the level where we decided to limit our services and then turn them on and off and watch more specifically. We also limited our cable package.
We were getting ready to dump Paramount so I was zooming my way through Star Trek Discovery — 65 episodes. I had to rush the last few and then somehow we ended up having another month.
The minute we trimmed back our subscriptions, everyone released something I want to see. I have a list in my phone. I didn’t open Apple+ for months and now I have at least 7 shows on my list.
The next consideration is ad-free. Right now we have the cheaper versions but it’s not like the old days where the show act breaks were written with TV commercial breaks in mind. You’re just watching the show and suddenly there’s a commercial. I feel like it’s worth it to pay more. Bob isn’t there yet.
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When the Leaves Hang Trembling
Here’s what the raised beds look like filled with leaves. There’s also pulled tomato plants and some bits of wood and other stuff I had around the yard.
I feel like I just filled it with bugs and seeds so I’ve created a whole set of problems for myself in this fresh planting environment.
But also: nature, baby.
This is my neighbor’s yard where I raked yesterday. Can you tell where I raked?
You can see the tree is still really heavy with leaves. It’s just funny that yesterday a big swath of lawn was visible and now you can’t tell.
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Stand in the Place Where You Live
I have those new raised beds and I am filling them with leaves and garden refuse. In the spring I will add dirt and hopefully have an amazing place for planting.
My neighbors have a giant tree — I think it’s a big leaf maple. And it drops so many leaves so I asked them if I could rake some for the garden.
He said, “If I was home I would help you.”
Who is going to tell someone not to rake their leaves?
I started on Friday and while I was out there a very friendly guy drove up and asked if he could have some of my leaves for his garden.
I explained that I lived next door and was raking them for my garden. I don’t think he was offering to rake, only to haul off leaves. He seemed confident he could get leaves from someone else.
Today I did another session and while I was out there a guy drove up and said he was from the Census. I explained that I lived next door and was raking leaves for my garden.
There’s a lot of action next door for leaf rakers.
I got enough to fill both beds and it’s supposed rain a lot tomorrow so I think my work there is done. It was a great workout while it lasted.
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Cookie Monster
This is Dad’s fridge.
At dinner they often offer cookies and Dad takes one but doesn’t always eat it. So then he stashes it in the fridge. You can see the upper level areas for saved cookies and the lower level areas for saved cookies.
He also had a bunch on his counter but I finally threw a bunch away because they were hard as a rock and I didn’t think he’d notice. (He didn’t.)
Also in his fridge — grapes. That is his favorite snack and we makes sure he always has some washed and ready. In season, he loves cherries, too.
Also: Smart Water. At one point one of his medical staff wanted him to drink more water and he said he didn’t like to drink water so she suggested we try the Smart Water.
She knows her business because he will drink it regularly. The lemon and the orange.
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