Stand in the Place Where You Live

I have those new raised beds and I am filling them with leaves and garden refuse. In the spring I will add dirt and hopefully have an amazing place for planting.

My neighbors have a giant tree — I think it’s a big leaf maple. And it drops so many leaves so I asked them if I could rake some for the garden.

He said, “If I was home I would help you.”

Who is going to tell someone not to rake their leaves?

I started on Friday and while I was out there a very friendly guy drove up and asked if he could have some of my leaves for his garden.

I explained that I lived next door and was raking them for my garden. I don’t think he was offering to rake, only to haul off leaves. He seemed confident he could get leaves from someone else.

Today I did another session and while I was out there a guy drove up and said he was from the Census. I explained that I lived next door and was raking leaves for my garden.

There’s a lot of action next door for leaf rakers.

I got enough to fill both beds and it’s supposed rain a lot tomorrow so I think my work there is done. It was a great workout while it lasted.

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