Remember When October was a U2 Album?

Hi! Happy October.

Every October I am surprised by how busy I am. Every time.

Here are some quick updates: I had to cancel my Atlanta trip because there was a hurricane at the same time I was supposed to travel. I am graduating from crowns and getting my first implant later this month (that’s a teeth thing). I am *this* close to finishing my first fan fic (Polin, Bridgerton). If you don’t know what that means you are unlikely to be interested.

Everyone else: drop me a note and I will ping you when it’s up. As soon as I’m done with that I am writing another romance. Don’t hold your breath because I am super distracted by a million other things so I’ll be lucky to have a first draft by this time next year.

And: I bought some raised beds.

I have been re-habbing this corner of the yard for a couple of years and this year I decided to just buy the dang beds and get them out there because I was close enough.

I planned to buy two and see how I liked them. But then the website did that thing where a big pop-up ad told me it was a holiday weekend special and it was 40% off if I bought 4.

You know how everything looks smaller when you actually get it? I said: Sure! I’ll get 4!

Look how gigantic they are. They are, I think, 12 pieces, each individually wrapped, plus 60 (?) fasteners. It took me 2 hours to assemble one. I have 2 up and I more or less leveled them and started throwing some garden refuse in there. I am so pressed for time before the season ends, I plan to hold back the other two.

I can either assemble later or I might try to sell them. We’ll see. I’d like to give the main garden patch a nice rest next summer.

They are pretty though!

And anyone who is thinking: oh, look. A faucet. That will be so handy for your drip irrigation.

Nope. That faucet has never worked. We’ve had at least 3 people come out and look at it. It’s a mystery.

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