Super Sketch

These are heirloom lavender poppies. My sister-in-law gave me the seeds and I love these flowers. They re-seed but I’ve been helping them in the hopes of getting more blooms.

I loathe the NextDoor app except that there is often information that is relevant to the neighborhood that I like to have access to. And also sometimes I want to sell or give something away and I don’t do any other apps so for the time being I use this app.

But if I spend more than 5 minutes a day on it, all I do is mute people and think ungenerous thoughts about my neighbors.

I’m always fascinated by the people who show up on the app and then after one day, they have some super terrible tragedy and link to a GimmeMoney app. It’s a good grift because there are always people who want to give them money. They’re grown-ups. It’s their money. But seems like better ways to help people out.

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