This is a scheduled post. I am out of town this weekend.
I know I didn’t finish the Tacoma trip. Still hoping to get to that.
This part of the squash harvest. I still have several growing out front. The backyard squash took a big hit when the deer were hanging out.
I have thrown seeds out front but haven’t had success in years. I think this year I watered better because I have new plants out there.
I’m not sure if this was deer or what but I got up one morning and found what was left of this one. The red kuri are delicious! I already cooked a couple. I’m snacking on the leftovers as I write this.
I often take a photo of something I cooked and then look at my terrible oven and decide not to post. I deep clean it periodically but it’s been awhile.
These loaves are so pretty and amazing and this is the only photo I got. Whole wheat sandwich bread. Pretty easy but need to plan ahead. Recipe here.
I have let you 2 or 3 voicemails, I know one was a fake voice but I did use my own voice and have left my phone number. Also sent you an email with my number
You must be gone somewhere?