All That’s Missing is Some Music

These two are looking playful — what do you think, friends or are they making some baby raccoons?

Last year at this time I started working from home at some point during the spring I noticed a raccoon hanging out in the hedge outside my window. At first it was cute and fun but I was worried about a family of raccoons nesting right there next to the house. It appeared on and off for a week or two and then disappeared. So hopefully it found a nice place somewhere else to make a home and not someone in the neighborhood moving them out “to a farm.”

I get a digest of posts to NextDoor every afternoon and some people freak out about wild animals going through their yard.

I still haven’t managed put in a garden or gotten photos of my daffodils yet. There are no tulips yet. I’m not sure there are even tulip buds. It looks like nothing but lots of greenery. It seems like when I have time to get out there it’s raining or I have some other critical thing to take care of. Like taxes.

Ugh. I hate doing Oregon taxes so badly. When I retire the first year I don’t have to do Oregon taxes I am going to hire a plane to fly over Salem and with a banner that says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

This year I can make a calculation for the days I worked from home. I don’t have to pay Oregon for those days. And I kept a very careful record of how many days I worked from home. Except Oregon has some whackadoodle quadratic equation to figure out what you owe them. “A train going 100 km/hr leaves Chicago at 3pm….” I would let them keep the refund if I didn’t have to fill out the form.

Did I report here about the mustard of the month club? One of our mustards was root beer and I tried it this weekend and did not agree with Bob’s assessment that it “wasn’t too bad.” It was like eating candy and mustard together and I made a face then switched to a spicy brown.

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