I’ve been to Yosemite two times. The first time I was very small. How old do I look in this photo? A few months? My Tante Hilla came from Germany and they all did a trip of California-y things. I know they also went to Hearst Castle. Or we, I should say. I’ve only been to Hearst Castle that one time and remember, well, nothing.
This was in 1964 so make sure to dig the little bit of the cars you can see. As I was preparing this it occurred to me that this was probably Tante Hilla’s first visit to California and the occasion was to see me.
We went again when I was in high school. There’s no major point I’m making here, just falling back on old photos for today’s content.
In other news, I just clued in to the fact that Prince Capsian comes out on May 16. That’s less than one month away. I thought I had to wait until December.
To celebrate I did a quick detour to watch the official trailer, fan teaser (first typed fan taser, I think there’s a joke in there somewhere), production blog (nice accent, sounds like Narnier), moneybags slap themselves on the back promo, and the dreamy Prince Caspian promo. Didn’t the book Prince Caspian have the faintest whiff of wuss? I must remember that wrong.