Yesterday was my busiest day at work that I can remember in eons. At the old office I took all the incoming calls so if it was a busy phone day, sometimes I couldn’t get anything done.
At the new office the receptionist directs the attorney calls to the attorney or their voicemail unless the person wants to speak to the assistant. Yesterday, everyone wanted to speak to the assistant. Plus some new things came up for me and some old things that I thought were gone came back and I ended up jumping around all day, took a 15 minute lunch and didn’t fool around at all. It was great and the day flew by.
Two quick updates. #1 — my car is finished and pretty again. Excellent to have it back. They did a very nice job but it’s hard not to feel a teeny bit wistful about how much more fun it would have been to spend that money on a plane ticket to somewhere exotic. They also made the inside smell like new car again. I didn’t know that was possible. #2 — the great ant elimination continues. I tried to take a picture of the shop to show you the carpet of ants of every shape, size and wing configuration that is spread across the floor but the outcome didn’t look too impressive.
I had some more comments on yesterday’s post. One is that I realize I write a “Why Can’t I get Anything Done?” post at least every other month. This is an ongoing issue that a number of years ago felt like “I never have any time.” Now I feel like I have time but can’t get anything done. Perhaps it would be a valuable exercise to explore the difference is but either I don’t have time or I should put it on my list.
I can remember being in my 20’s and spending oodles of time sitting in my room listening to records or sleeping in Sunday, reading the paper with a pot of coffee, going out to breakfast, then coming home and taking a nap. I have no recollection of worrying about getting things done back then.
Using what I learned from my “Get More Done Than Ever Before!” article I read yesterday, I made a list of three things that I wanted to do this weekend that would give me a sense of accomplishment. None of those things is blogging about ants so I’m off.