I intended to post the obligatory snow photos while there was still snow on the ground but I had the other post scheduled and didn’t get organized in time.
It wasn’t much but more than I expected. We didn’t need to go anywhere and were able to enjoy it from the windows. We woke up on Day 4 and it was completely gone. The rain washed it away overnight.
This is from the deck.
There were lots of other fun animal prints to try to figure out. I had left prints going to the bird feeder and it looked like something had stepped in my footprints. I never got out there to study them.
There were also lots of bird prints.
Remember when we exposed the hardwood floor in our bedroom? I am amazed by how quickly the dust bunnies accumulate. Did the carpet hide the dust blobs? It seems like every time I drop a sock and get a glimpse under the bed, there are giant fluffy wads. I vacuum under there every weekend.
I am guessing it’s the flannel sheets since I don’t have issues with dust wads in other rooms. I wonder how long it takes flannel sheets to completely disintegrate into fuzz?
Does anyone remember there were always rumors the J.D. Salinger was still writing but throwing the writing in a vault? I can’t remember the exact story — maybe he was disenchanted with publishing so he wrote for himself but told his heirs they could do what they wanted when he was gone? I might have made some-to-all of that up but whatever happened to that? Was there a vault filled with manuscripts? Are there no manuscripts?
It seems like the story is that something is coming out. But is that real?