A Little Icy

After a few cold nights the bucket turns into a block of ice. I pulled the ice block out and refilled it but its a block of ice again.

Plus it really needs to be cleaned out and I can’t deal with it right now.

In the last few years I have said that January is my favorite month. It’s kind of embarrassing but I love that there are no holidays. It’s full winter so there are few activities. You don’t have to work in the yard. It’s nice to have a month to sit inside and read books and drink hot chocolate and not have to go anywhere.

I like how this guy is figure skating. The ice is very confusing to these critters.

I had notes for a post and I don’t know what happened to them and now I am a big blank.

I don’t think I wrote about my failed sweet potato pie for xmas dinner. It was edible but it wasn’t very delicious. It tasted like a vegetable side dish that someone poured sugar on and added to a pie crust. Everyone was very polite about it and said things like, “Good Pie” and “C’mon, do you ever make a pie that you think is good?”

Yes, I do. I’d made an amazing apple pie a couple weeks earlier. This was a failed pie.

While discussing with a friend and telling her I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong — she easily figured it out. I used the wrong kind of sweet potatoes. I’ve only made it a handful of times over the last many years and I’m not sure if I knew in the beginning which sweet potatoes to use or I just lucked out.

I made another pie today and it looks a lot better but I won’t be sure until we try it.

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