
Sourdough low-knead I made over the weekend.

For a long time, I was of the mind that we should just subscribe to all the streaming services that we use. How much does it cost to go to the movies? We might as well have everything available so we could watch whatever we wanted when we wanted.

This year, prices finally hit the level where we decided to limit our services and then turn them on and off and watch more specifically. We also limited our cable package.

We were getting ready to dump Paramount so I was zooming my way through Star Trek Discovery — 65 episodes. I had to rush the last few and then somehow we ended up having another month.

The minute we trimmed back our subscriptions, everyone released something I want to see. I have a list in my phone. I didn’t open Apple+ for months and now I have at least 7 shows on my list.

The next consideration is ad-free. Right now we have the cheaper versions but it’s not like the old days where the show act breaks were written with TV commercial breaks in mind. You’re just watching the show and suddenly there’s a commercial. I feel like it’s worth it to pay more. Bob isn’t there yet.

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