Look who came back! I found a giant turd in my garden. Then another one. Then a third one and I knew it was time to check the camera card.
I don’t see how such majestic creatures with a whole night of wandering manage to do so much pooping in my yard. Maybe my yard is their safe space?
The fly through feeder was empty because I planned to put it away for the season but hadn’t gotten around to it yet.
While they were hanging out, opossum zipped by and ran home. All these animals amuse me.
This is a first time ever: spotted skunk! This was in NW California at Mom’s.
My sister told me to set up the camera behind the trailer because she had heard activity. This was the first time I’d ever seen a spotted skunk. They are hilarious and really cute. But this guy is also making a mess in the trailer innards. Hopefully we can get it to relocate.