Los Angeles, Part 1

The point of this picture is the giant dragon above Bob.

We went to Los Angeles for a wedding.

It’s the first time I’ve been back in 20 years. I was kinda dreading it but it ended up AMAZING!

Our hotel had a free trolley to Universal. We thought we’d mosey onto the 8am trolley and it was completely full.

The park was sold out at 8:15am. People were out in force to celebrate Halloween. Lots of costumes and family themed outfits.

We didn’t plan to go to the park. We just had our morning beverage and baked treat and watched the people. Bob started a conversation with a guy in the coffee line and turned out he had dropped his wife off for work. She worked in costuming for the cast in the park.

Here is our entire Harry Potter experience from City Walk.

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