Marsupial Close-Up; Plus Pickleball

How about a break from the deer and checking out some opossum clips? No matter how many photos and clips I post about opossum, I have to look up the spelling every single time.

Did I ever write about pickleball?

If you read any mainstream news you’ve probably heard about pickleball. It’s the fastest growing sport in the US.

If you haven’t seen it, it’s kind of like tennis but on half the court so I guess you can be less fit and still enjoy it.

The articles say it’s addictive. People love it. I’m not drawn to sports with rackets and aiming at things or being competitive so I have no personal experience.

We live down the street from an elementary school and there are 2 tennis courts there that weren’t abandoned but not in high use and were not maintained.

I don’t know who’s in charge but 4 or 5 years ago the courts were spruced up and if it’s good weather, there are people playing pickleball there. On the weekends they start early and it goes all day. There are cars and vans parked everywhere and people in folding chairs sitting around the courts.

I feel bad for the people who used to live next to a quiet, crumbling tennis court and now have all that activity and CLOP! CLOP! CLOP! of pickleball going all day long. But also I walked by there recently and it wasn’t that loud, so maybe the neighbors don’t mind. Plus it’s nice to have a wholesome activity bringing people together.

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