Because I live in eternal fear of falling short of the eternal overachiever award that NO ONE cares about, as I have since around 2006, I’m going to post every day for the month of November. Some-to-many of the days may just be a photo and a caption and that’s okay. I’m the overachiever, I make the rules.
And since I’m not happy unless I’m not happy, I’m also going to take a stab at NaNoWriMo for my Book 4 first draft. I’ve tried to do this before and failed spectacularly but why not keep trying to do something that never works? 50,000 words (200 pp) is unlikely but if I aim for that I can probably reach 35,000 (140 pp) which will get me roughly half way.
My reason for thinking this time might be different is that I already know the characters and I know what’s going on in their world. I am on track for a much better outline than I have had before. We’ll see. If I fail you can all call the writing police and have my license revoked.
I probably won’t update this daily unless I really kick ass and want to show off:
0 / 50000 words. 0% done!