You can’t imagine the thrill, the exciting rush of victory when you conquer an animal with a brain the size of a pea.
We reset the trap – this time I put a tiny dollop of peanut butter on the trigger so it’d have to really park there to eat it. The exterminator recommended peanut butter. Last night I rebuilt the tunnel and left the front door open. If this squirrel was ripping out insulation to get outside it must be smart enough to run out the front door. (ha ha)
Didn’t hear a peep. Couldn’t see it. This one was climbing up inside somehow. Closed up for the night.
When I got up this morning he was frolicking around the trap.
I opened the front door and fireplace and watch it hop around. I hate to say it but they are really cute. It perched exactly on the edge of the fireplace door and looked longingly out the front door but didn’t try to make a break for it.
I went into the other room and then I could hear it eating. I ran back in and it was eating the peanut butter and TRAP DID NOT SPRING.
What dark magic are these squirrels up to?
I tried to spring it but he hopped out. Bob decided to fiddle to make sure the spring was operating and when he reached in, the trap sprung, startling all of us.
Here I will note that squirrels make a wide variety of noises. They make sad squeaky noises, high pitched chirping noises and low-growly noises.
Squirrely growled.
Bob fixed the trap, re-peanutbuttered it and put it back in. We closed everything up.
It took about a half hour. We both heard the trap spring (Bob was downstairs) and squirrely’s outraged growly-squeaks.
Bob and I ran around high-fiving each other and cheering and doing variations of the victory dance before taking it outside. Of course it was too stupid to leave the trap by itself (it kept eating the peanut butter) so we had to dump it out. While it was squeaking another bigger squirrel came wandering over to see what was going on.
Total squirrels removed so far: 4
Recommended tools: trap with peanut butter – be patient, if desperate shop vac.
We have reset the trap and put it back in the fireplace, just in case.
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