Here’s the crazy neighbor cat. Running over the second I step outside. I was there to take photos of the flowers and garden stuff.
Demanding. She was all whiny and trying to climb up my leg.
“You don’t even live here,” I pointed out.
Later it punished me by ignoring me. Sure, ouch, dummy.
I love this white dahlia. So elegant.
More dahlias. They aren’t quite as pretty as last year. I’m not sure if it’s mild weather or my lazy watering.
Check out one of the prettiest pumpkins. I have a decent pumpkin crop although the fauna has made a gouge in almost every one.
Does this look close to ripe to you? Looks close to me. I think this is the first time in my history that I didn’t get a tomato before September. At this point I’ll settle for anything.
Also: I learned how to make animated gifs today: Bright Dike back flip!.
That cat matches the grass.