Spring Break

A photo from the Ave. which I include for my CW family.

We did a quick trip to Seattle last weekend.

Well, we were invited to a Sounders game and, of course, I wouldn’t want to miss that. I love the Sounders except when they play the Timbers.

The game was really fun. We had an awesome dinner. Andy and I took turn cleaning the bottom of the New Orleans Famous Barbecued Shrimp bowl. I think the ingredients are butter and magic. Then we headed for the stadium where all the craziness was going on.

It rained during the half but no fear, I had my plastic pants (complete post on the plastic pants, coming soon). Our seats were rain free but still, plastic pants. Seattle had about a million shots on goal but no score in the first half which was very exciting but I was glad it wasn’t my team because I would have had a heart attack. They managed to get one in in the second half.

Really fun time. Thanks Hannah and Andy.

We spent a day running around visiting people we don’t often get to see. We also saw fantastic photography exhibit at the Henry at University of Washington. It was photos pre-WWII by the Seattle Camera Club which was mostly Japanese immigrants. It was a mix of portraits, nature and miscellaneous.

A great day.

On Sunday Bob put me on the train to come home and he stayed to attend a conference.

I had a relaxing trip home and got to finish a book and saw two bald eagles. I always see bald eagles when I’m on the train.

Today was a day of problem solving. Ants in the house again. Another set of window blinds broke. I bought them all at the same time so I guess they’re all going to poop out on me. More stuff I’m too lazy to type out.

Bob and I went on a long walk and I have trillium photos for later.

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3 Responses to Spring Break

  1. Kira says:

    Thanks for the Ave photo and the trillium link! I feel nostalgic and informed. An all-purpose post. Plus, I’m happy to be friends with someone who loves sports so much. That way I don’t have to like soccer at all and there’s still someone who enjoys it enough that it hardly matters.

  2. Hannah says:

    We loved spending time with you and the Bobman! That was one of the most exciting soccer games, ever. My throat hurt so much the next day from screaming. You might want to try to catch some of the Sounders game tonight on TV, if you can and if it’s available there. Mr. Argentina might start at forward. Thank you, soccer gods.

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