Oh No! Campus Cats

I spent half my morning cracking up over this headline.

Another week that turned out busier than I expected. I should have time to catch my breath by Friday afternoon.

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3 Responses to Oh No! Campus Cats

  1. AEJ says:

    I’ve heard of campus squirrels, or chipmunks.

  2. Ballard Avenue says:

    We had campus frogs at Fairhaven. Come spring, they’d wake from their l

  3. Ballard Avenue says:

    …hibernation and start croaking for love. Boy, were they loud. Frogs really don’t do pillow talk; seductive whispers in the ear are beyond them. It’s pretty much full volume “hey-baby-I-love-you” and “whatchoo-got-for-me-big-boy” all night long.

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