October Photo of Backyard Flowers
Same view today
What a lovely couple of days we’ve had. I broke out all the wool, long underwear, scarves, hats and my big giant coat. At least it’s supposed to get back above freezing tomorrow.
Turkey’s about ready to go into its brine bath. The directions say to turn it over halfway through. I guess if I do it right before I go to bed it will be close-ish. I’m sure I’ll forget.
I read the “how to organize your cooking time for Thanksgiving” tutorial this morning which was about 24 hours too late. Too bad that isn’t a super power. It doesn’t really matter. I’ve got it all under control.
Cake just came out of the oven. I’m going to do a couple more things after dinner and be ready for tomorrow. The only thing I biffed on was not buying enough flour. I usually have a ginormous bag plus a spare and I’m down to about 1 lb. I’ll measure more closely tomorrow but we may skip the rolls. We don’t need them. I just want them.
Inviting birdbath
As soon as I finish this post and schedule a post about my pumpkin bread for tomorrow, I am turning this computer off until Friday. (That’s probably a lie because I’m sure I’ll end up having to check a recipe.)
I did all my words plus a surplus to make up for tomorrow. I’m going to read and doodle and do holiday stuff.
Have a nice Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving!!