The Best Part Was the Dragon
On Sunday afternoon we took Priscilla and Aunt Betty to Christmas Revels which is traditional olde tyme musical show with singing, dancing and comedy set in 12th century France and is way better than I’m making it sound.
The first time they went, I wouldn’t go because it didn’t sound interesting. When Bob came home from the show I asked him if very many people went because I’m that clueless like, oh, I don’t think it sounds interesting no one else will. Yes, he told me, it was sold out. It sells out every year.
The next time they went, I joined them and loved it. The players are all ages including lots of kids and all kinds of people go with their families. The music is fantastic.
The event is held at the Scottish Rite Center which is a beautiful building that is very old and if you’re wondering where Aunt Agatha’s ancient orange furniture went after she died, it’s in the SRC women’s lounge. The building has lots and lots of stairs which is fine except that this is the perfect kind of show to bring your Grandma and Grandpa to and there are lots of elders with a two-handed death grip on the bannisters teetering to and from their seats.
There’s a single elevator that fits about 4 and operates by hamster wheel. It gets a good workout during Revels shows. The best part was the dragon. The dragon costume was a guy in front with dragon head, feet and arms and then behind him was about 8 kids each wearing a spiked hoody type costume. During the battle every time the dragon got axed, a few kids would detach and go wheeling off. It was very cute.
We had dinner at Jakes Grill which was awesome. I ate too much and had to be rolled back to the car. We had a dessert which included some sort of chocolate dream in a cup which I enjoyed a great deal and which also made it nearly impossible to fall asleep. A perfect Sunday.