I had to grab the camera card out of my “real” camera and it already had photos on it. These are from last year. There are daffodils out there now but just a few.
A couple of weekends ago someone came to the door to sell us something.
As an aside: wasn’t that one great thing about the pandemic is no door-to-door salespeople?
When I opened the door they asked if I was the lady of the house.
In the moment I didn’t think much of it but since then it makes me laugh every time I think of it.
What does that even mean? Am I the homeowner? Do I made the decisions? Maybe she thought I was the butler and needed to go find the lady?
Any minute the never ending parade of exterminator companies should be starting. OOF. There is no reward for being polite. Last year I had a guy and no matter what I said, he had a reply. At one point I think he assured me that their service would only kill the pests I wanted to kill. AMAZING!