From: Pam Rentz
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 14:20:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Day #1 Surf City, Anchorage

Hello and welcome to your *personalized* message from Anchorage, Alaska!

These Telnet connections are so sluggish it's a challenge to do this without pulling my hair out. Every time we've come into one of these places they have always offered us one computer and I have to ask for my own.

We arrived last night at 1am. I can't believe how hopping the Anchorage Int'l Airport is at 1am. Even the massage stand lady was just closing down for the night. There were tons of flights getting baggage (perhaps I exaggerate "tons" since any 200 people crowded around a conveyor belt seems like a huge crowd) and I watched other folks just checking in on their way out of town. The drive back to BargainLodge in twilight was a bit strange too.

The weather is drippy although the sun is out now. There is a bit of a bite in the air -- kind of like Fall.

We picked up our bright shiny KIA Sportage this morning and will get ready for adventures shortly. First I had to eat and we found a great veg-friendly place and now I am feeling more human. One of Bob's colleagues has a son up here playing in a baseball tourn. (they were on our plane) and for some reason Bob thinks it's important we go to his baseball game which is right now. You can't see me but my eyes are rolling. If I were in prison I'd be hard-pressed to find time to watch baseball.

Bob says today is Alaska Flag Day and there are some sort of festivities which I hope involve beer. For some reason Bob knows all about the Alaska Flag and who designed it (Benny Benson?) and a bunch of other apparently relevant facts, I can't figure out if this is some sort of weird Bob humor or if there is a valid reason he knows this seemingly random information.

One more night at the BargainLodge (really weird place, really weird) and tomorrow we go to Soldotna. More reports as access permits.


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Posted: 4.24.99